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From 15th July 2022, the Renting Homes (Wales) Act requires all rented homes to have a periodic inspection and testing (PIT) of the electrical installation, carried out by a qualified person such as a registered electrician, every five years unless the requirements of the previous Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) indicate a shorter inspection and testing interval. Failure to comply will mean that the dwelling is considered unfit for human habitation and the landlord could face prosecution.

» Wales Grace Period Ends

Landlords in Wales must have EICR checks in place to avoid penalties, such as tenants withholding rent. This follows legislation introduced in December 2022 explaining what landlords must do to ensure properties are in good repair and fit for human habitation.

A landlord is required to have the electrical installations of the dwelling tested every five years, unless the requirements of the EICR indicate a shorter testing interval is needed.  Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors also need to be installed and working.  The final grace period for compliance ends in December 2023.

If the contract-holders believe the property is unfit they can take the landlord to court to seek compensation and to force the landlord to perform the works.  Depending on the terms of the contract, the contract-holders may also be able to stop paying rent until the court has decided whether the property is fit for human habitation.

(Taken from Connections for NICEIC Certified Businesses Summer 2023 Issue 226)


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